750ml Returnable Bottle
Coca-Cola Bulgaria
In 2016 Coca-Cola launched its first ever 750 ml returnable glass bottle. However, the campaign wasn’t focused on the physical act of returning the empty bottle. It was based on a much more emotional and relevant insight of the comeback of a loved one – from work, from abroad or after a long time. We called the bottle „Бутилка заВръщане“ (Eng. “RETURNable bottle”) and so the moving moment of return became the Coca-Cola moment.
“Return here an empty one. Return home with a full one.”
“Welcome home!”
For the official launch of the Returnable bottle, we created special double packs of Coca-Cola 750 ml designed as cosy little homes.
“Let us welcome home the newest member of our big family – the unique Coca-Cola 750 ml Returnable bottle.”
Effie Silver